Saturday 11 February 2012

Photo Fortytwo: February 11th 2012.

Seen this movie tonight and loved it!!!

Photo Fortyone: February 10th 2012.

Never knew love until I seen my little sweetie's huge smile in the bath tub <3

Photo Forty: February 9th 2012.

Delicious banana and chocolate muffins <3 I know they are all different sizes and look a little funny, but that's what happens when you have a 2 year old helper hehe :-)

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Photo Thirtytwo: February 1st 2012.

Morning sun poking through an otherwise dull sky <3

Happy February 1st!!!

Photo Thirtyone: January 31st 2012.

As he grows, his personality does too, and we are learning more and more about our stubborn but sweet little two year old every single day. We know he is a happy boy when on daddy's motorbike and makes the cutest little engines noises ever! <3

On a side note, I guess I should add at this point that almost all of my pics are going to be of my little boy. I'm trying to vary the pics a little, but I always come back to just him, and that's okay for me <3 He is the inspiration behind taking a photo every day for one whole year and I am looking forward to watching, in photos, how he grows over the course of the year. I only hope those who follow my blog don't mind a little (okay, a big) more of him :-)

Photo Thirty: January 30th 2012.

My little man loves his Mickey Mouse so much that he gets a little hug from time to time, which is more than his daddy and I get! We have to ask :P

Photo Twentynine: January 29th 2012.

My lovely mom and I before we left for a delicious Chinese meal on Sunday :-)